
Sustaining Life Fellow

Individual lifetime contributions of $15,000 or more
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Desmond and Patricia M. Barry, New York, NY United States
Donna and Joseph (Joe) W. Burden, III, Buffalo, NY United States
James and Susan M. Campbell, Charlestown, MA United States
Richard and Barbara A. Campbell, Boston, MA United States
E. Paul and Donna Cauley, Dallas, TX United States
William and Anne Cleveland, Charleston, SC United States
Michael and Carolynn Connelly, Houston, TX United States
Emily and Joseph (Joe) F. Coughlin, Boston, MA United States
Molly and Steven Craig, Charleston, SC United States
Daniel and Josette Cray, Chicago, IL United States
Michael and Diana L. Crim, Mount Clare, WV United States
Robert and Kathleen Curley, Braintree, MA United States
Christopher and Betsy D'Angelo, Philadelphia, PA United States
Asim and Cecille Desai, Los Angeles, CA United States
Basil and Mary DiSipio, Philadelphia, PA United States
Richard M. Dunn, Miami, FL United States
Amy and Timothy Fischer, Oklahoma City, OK United States
Jerome and Julie Galante, Petoskey, MI United States
George and Janet S. Gore, Avon, OH United States
Leta E. Gorman, Portland, OR United States
Mark and Stacie Hansen, Bloomington, IL United States
Fred and Cara Haston, Birmingham, AL United States
George and Eileen A. Hodges, White Plains, NY United States
Anita Hotchkiss and Christopher Martin, Princeton, NJ United States
Robert and Carol Hunter, Cullowhee, NC United States
Daniela Karollus-Bruner, Vienna, Austria
James A. King and Geri D. Hewitt, M.D., Columbus, OH United States
Andrew and Lynn Kopon, Chicago, IL United States
George and Jeanette Lavin, Philadelphia, PA United States
John and Sharon Lay, Columbia, SC United States
Gregory and Elizabeth Lederer, Cedar Rapids, IA United States
Connie Lewis Lensing and David Lensing, Nashville, TN United States
Rex and Laurie J. Linder, Peoria, IL United States
Robert and Jayne Manlowe, Seattle, WA United States
L. Gino and Jeanne Marchetti, Nashville, TN United States
George and Catherine Oliver Murphy, Philadelphia, PA United States
Joseph and Karen O'Neil, Berwyn, PA United States
Alfred R. Paliani and Rosemary Stuart, Bellport, NY United States
Bruce and Clare Parker, Baltimore, MD United States
Bill and Jane Perry, Maidenhead, Berkshire England
Archibald and Shannon Reeves, Mobile, AL United States
James and Linda Rogers, Columbia, SC United States
David and Laurel Rosenberg, Hilton Head Island, SC United States
Joseph and Mary Pat Ryan, Columbus, OH United States
W. Thomas and Jill Siler, Flowood, MS United States
Spencer and Katherine (Kat) Clark Silverglate , Miami, FL United States
J. Walter and Kristin Hoff Sinclair, Mc Call, ID United States
Scott J. Tucker and Francine Sherman, Newton, MA United States
Quentin and Anne Urquhart, New Orleans, LA United States
Michael and Janet H. Victorson, Charleston, WV United States

Life Fellow

Individual lifetime contributions of $5,000 - $14,999
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Elliott and Joan Abrutyn, Livingston, NJ United States
Michael and Lori Ann Airdo, Chicago, IL United States
Diane and Timothy Averell, Esq., Morristown, NJ United States
Michael and Deborah Aylward, Boston, MA United States
Shaun McParland Baldwin, Glen Ellyn, IL United States
Jeptha and Carol Barbour, Jacksonville, FL United States
Adam and Elizabeth Barker, Hartfield, East Sussex England
R. Bruce and Missy Barze, Birmingham, AL United States
David and Judith Lyday Beck, Houston, TX United States
Mark and Anne Beebe, New Orleans, LA United States
Mollie Benedict, Los Angeles, CA United States
Bruce and Laurie Berger, Washington, DC United States
William and Ann Booth, Bloomfield Hills, MI United States
John and Dinah Bradford, Lake Charles, LA United States
Michael E. Brown and Carol Mihalik , Indianapolis, IN United States
Michael and Melissa Brown, Baltimore, MD United States
Charles W. Browning and Petra Lina Orloff, Bloomfield Hills, MI United States
John and Sherry Burke, Boise, ID United States
Julie A. Callsen and Brad Pohlman, Chicago, IL United States
D. Jeffrey and Nancy Campbell, Morristown, NJ United States
J. Dominic Campodonico and Matt Stitham, San Francisco, CA United States
Brigid and Chris Carpenter, Nashville, TN United States
Andrew and Sheri Clark Chamberlin, Greensboro, NC United States
Mary and Dawson Cherry, Charleston, SC United States
S. Stuart and Narelle Clark, KILLARA, NSW Australia
Joseph D. Cohen and Kyle Brown, Houston, TX United States
Charles and Deborah Cole, Chicago, IL United States
Deborah and Charles Cole, Chicago, IL United States
J. Nathan Cole and Kristen E. Binck, Esq., Boston, MA United States
Susan and Philip J. Cole, Miami, FL United States
Patrick and Debbie Conlon, Spring, TX United States
T. Thomas and Jeanie Cottingham, Charlotte, NC United States
Timothy and Tracy Coughlin, Cleveland, OH United States
Thomas and Donja Cullen, Baltimore, MD United States
Gayla Darrah, Broomfield, CO United States
Laura and Joe De Santos, Houston, TX United States
Darby and Jennifer Haltom Doan, Texarkana, TX United States
Jennifer and Darby Doan, Texarkana, TX United States
Thomas and Patricia A. Donnell, Nashville, TN United States
Kyle H. Dreyer and Wendy May, Dallas, TX United States
John and Deborah K. Drummy, Indianapolis, IN United States
David and Karen Dukes, Columbia, SC United States
Kevin and Heather Dunne, Orinda, CA United States
Nancy M. Erfle and Richard L. Fortner, Portland, OR United States
Reeder and Marion L. Fox, Bryn Mawr, PA
Heidi and William Friedman, Cleveland, OH United States
Alessandro and Loredana Picca Giorgetti, Milan, Italy
Charles and Katherine Goodell, Baltimore, MD United States
Cathy Havener Greer, , United States
Alex and Kim Hostetter Hagan, Raleigh, NC United States

President's Circle

Individual contribution of $1,000 or more in the last year
Mark and Stacie Hansen, Bloomington, IL United States
William and Adilia Linero, Tampa, FL United States

Supporting Individual

Individual contribution of $101 - $999 in the last year
James and Linda Rogers, Columbia, SC United States

Contributing Individual

Individual contribution of up to $100 in the last year
Fred E. Bourn, III, Ridgeland, MS United StatesBOURN, FRED
Jennifer L. Bragg and Jonathan Jarow, Washington, DC United StatesBRAGG, JENNIFER
Cecille Desai, San Pedro, CA United StatesDESAI, CECILLE
Richard and Julie Eveleigh, London, EnglandEVELEIGH, RICHARD
Andrew and Laurie Faith, Toronto, ON CanadaFAITH, ANDREW
Robert and Diane Fitzsimmons, Miami, FL United StatesFITZSIMMONS, ROBERT
Samuel and Anne Habeeb, Ridgeland, MS United StatesHABEEB, SAMUEL
Michelle and Jon Hernandez, Albuquerque, NM United StatesHERNANDEZ, MICHELLE
Kelly Hodges, New York, NY United StatesHODGES, KELLY
David and Susan Storer Kash, Phoenix, AZ United StatesKASH, DAVID
Aaron Mandel, New York, NY United StatesMANDEL, AARON
Heidi L. Mandt and Darrell Geymann, Portland, OR United StatesMANDT, HEIDI
Donna and Randall Melby, Los Angeles, CA United StatesMELBY, DONNA
Aisling and Jonathan Morrough, Dublin, IrelandMORROUGH, AISLING
John and Mary Hollis Wrighton Nieset, New Orleans, LA United StatesNIESET, JOHN
James and Charlotte Ordeneaux, New Orleans, LA United StatesORDENEAUX, JAMES
Niall A. Paul and Paula Durst, Charleston, WV United StatesPAUL, NIALL
W. Ray and Wendy-Joy Persons, Tampa, FL United StatesPERSONS, W.
Larry and Sun Nam Schmadeka, Newport Beach, CA United StatesSCHMADEKA, LARRY
Matt Schroll and Katrin Hussmann, Miami, FL United StatesSCHROLL, MATT
John E. Spainhour and Missy, Asheville, NC United StatesSPAINHOUR, JOHN
Rebecca Spigelman and Oliver DeGeest, Sydney, AustraliaSPIGELMAN, REBECCA
Deborah K. St. Lawrence Thompson and Craig A. Thompson, Baltimore, MD United StatesST. LAWRENCE THOMPSON, DEBORAH
Douglas and Leslie Vaughn, Gulfport, MS United StatesVAUGHN, DOUGLAS
Grant Worden and Eleanor Colledge, Toronto, ON CanadaWORDEN, GRANT
Kamil Zawicki, Warsaw, PolandZAWICKI, KAMIL
Joanne L. Zimolzak and Eric Sampson, Washington, DC United StatesZIMOLZAK, JOANNE

Corporate Life Fellow

Contributions of $5,000 or more
Adams and Reese LLP, New Orleans, LA United States
Airdo Werwas, LLC, Chicago, IL United States
Campbell Conroy & O'Neil, P.C., Boston, MA United States
Kightlinger & Gray, LLP, Indianapolis, IN United States
King & Spalding LLP, Atlanta, GA United States

Corporate President's Circle

Contribution of $1,000 or more in the last year
There are no records.

Supporting Corporate Donor

Contribution of $101 - $999 in the last year
There are no records.