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Individual and Firm/Company Sponsorships will go toward defraying some of the costs related to the IADC Centennial Celebration, including a 300+ page coffee table book about the history of the IADC that will be sent for free to all current members. Your sponsorship will be noted on the IADC website and onsite at the Annual Meeting. For those paying taxes in the United States, the IADC is a 501(c)(6) and dues or other payments are not deductible as a charitable contribution for income ... Details
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Conflicts of Interest, Investigations, and Protests, Oh My!  Navigating Post-Government Employment Restrictions as a Potential Employer

When: October 8, 2010
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Payment - Credit card payment is required for online registration.
Cancellation Policy
A CASH REFUND, less a $150 processing fee, will be made if a written notice of cancellation is received by the IADC office more than thirty (30) days prior to the first day of the meeting.
NO CASH REFUNDwill be made if notice of cancellation is received by the IADC office thirty (30) days or less prior to the first day of the... Details
When: February 20–25, 2016
Where: Pebble Beach, CA
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IADC 2016 Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting - Huntington, WV
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Michael J. Farrell, Esq. Farrell, White & Legg PLLC

When: May 17, 2016
Where: Huntington, WV
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IADC 2016 Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting - Huntington, WV
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Michael J. Farrell
Farrell, White & Legg PLLC

Marshall University Forensic Science Center
1401 Forensic Science Drive
Huntington, WV 25701-3628

When: June 15, 2016
Where: Philadelphia, PA
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Corporate Counsel Training Academy Georgetown University Law Center Washington, District of Columbia USA

When: June 16–17, 2016
Where: Washington, DC
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This program will review the best practices in the use of surveillance, from retaining the investigator, directing the scope of surveillance, transferring risk if they overstep instructions, evidentiary issues for presenting the video at trial to impeach the plaintiff, and ethical issues that permeate all of the foregoing. Webinars are complimentary. Please note that the IADC does NOT apply for CLE Credit for its webinars. However, attendees are welcome to apply for and/or claim... Details
When: June 29, 2016
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Payment - Credit card payment is required for online registration. No cash refund will be made if notice of cancellation is received by the IADC office thirty (30) days or less prior to the first day of the meeting.. Refer to your 2016 Annual Meeting brochure for full cancellation policy.

If events are filled, email to be put on a wait... Details
When: July 9–14, 2016
Where: Southampton, Bermuda
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Synthetic turf is the target of recent allegations that the tiny bits of "crumb rubber" in the fields may be causing cancer. Health studies conducted to date have found no cause for concern. But ESPN and NBC News have both run specials highlighting the allegations, and several federal and state agencies and the European Chemicals Agency are conducting investigations. The issue is affecting local governments, universities, and sports teams in the US and UK. The panelists will... Details
When: September 7, 2016
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How does the client view oral argument? How does an experienced appellate advocate prepare for and present argument, and advise the client about it? Hear perspectives from experienced in-house counsel and appellate lawyers on these topics. Webinars are complimentary. Please note that the IADC does NOT apply for CLE Credit for its webinars. However, attendees are welcome to apply for and/or claim credit as their jurisdictions allow. Please contact your state accrediting agency for... Details
When: September 14, 2016
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The Panel will discuss the steps to take when a client is in crisis - from an explosion, chemical release, or other emergency. Topics will include preservation of evidence, handling a government investigation, and preparing for likely litigation. Webinars are complimentary. Please note that the IADC does NOT apply for CLE Credit for its webinars. However, attendees are welcome to apply for and/or claim credit as their jurisdictions allow. Please contact your state accrediting... Details
When: September 21, 2016
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While a "differential diagnosis" in medicine and a "differential etiology" in the courtroom have similar names and follow similar steps, they have vastly different purposes and apply different causal standards. Still, courts sometimes confuse the two and admit causation opinions based on speculative or insufficient evidence. This Webinar is intended as a guide for defense lawyers who are facing personal injury claims in which the plaintiff's expert purports to base his or her... Details
When: September 28, 2016