Deep Pocket Jurisprudence: How To Spot It and Stop It

Deep Pocket Jurisprudence: How To Spot It and Stop It
Victor Schwartz developed the label "deep pocket jurisprudence" as a result of work on his torts casebook and the practice of law. When it takes place, appellate courts expand tort law and hold defendants subject to liability, not because they did anything wrong to cause a plaintiff's serious injury, but because the real culprit is judgment proof. It occurs with pharmaceuticals where some courts have held branded drug companies subject to liability for harms caused by generic drugs. It occurs where automobile companies are subject to liability when the real culprit is a drunk driver. There are many other examples, which Victor will share in the Webinar. The presentation will focus not only on how to spot, but also how to stop “deep pocket jurisprudence.” Webinars are complimentary. Please note that the IADC does NOT apply for CLE Credit for its webinars. However, attendees are welcome to apply for and/or claim credit as their jurisdictions allow. Please contact your state accrediting agency for state-specific requirements and rules.
9/27/2017 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

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