The Present and Future of Autonomous Vehicle Regulation

The Present and Future of Autonomous Vehicle Regulation
Moving Forward: The Present and Future of Autonomous Vehicle Regulation

Autonomous vehicles are already on our streets, but the regulatory environment, from physical safety to data privacy and cyber security, isn’t roadworthy yet. In this Webinar, we’ll review the current patchwork regulatory environment for these moving computers, focusing as well on what’s being done (or not done) to manage privacy and cyber risk.

  • The regulatory landscape for autonomous vehicles is complex uneven.
  • Autonomous vehicles present significant cyber security and data privacy challenges.
  • Manufactures and operators alike should be concerned about cyber and privacy risks.


Although there is no fee to attend, you must register so the IADC can plan accordingly for the number of interested participants. To register, log-in with your IADC username and password. Each participant must register individually as Zoom links will be specific to each participant. If you have never attended an IADC event before, please create a guest account where requested on this site.

We hope that you will join us for this exciting and informative program.

UPDATED: Your IADC Website Profile. Your member profiles include your links to any virtual IADC meeting for which you are registered. Go to your account, and when you click to view/edit your account, go to the “Meeting Participation” tab. There you’ll find “Upcoming Virtual Meetings/Virtual Links” which includes your Zoom link for each of your registered meetings. 

If you have any questions, please contact Professional Development Manager Jennifer Aron.
5/8/2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

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