The New Boundaries of the Fair Use Doctrine in Copyright

The New Boundaries of the Fair Use Doctrine in Copyright
The New Boundaries of the Fair Use Doctrine in Copyright

 This Webinar has been postponed. Please check back for details on when it has been rescheduled.
The USSC recently continued a string of interesting copyright decisions with its release of decision in Andy Warhol Foundation for Visual Arts v. Goldsmith. The late Andy Warhol was held to have infringed photographer Lynn Goldsmith’s copyright when he created a series of silkscreens based on a photograph of Prince. The Court considered arguments that the work was sufficiently transformative so as not to trigger copyright concerns. The case was closely watched as it demonstrated how the Court would balance an artist’s freedom to borrow from existing works, and spoke to the boundaries of the fair use doctrine that permits unlicensed use of copyrighted works in some circumstances. There are fascinating implications of this decision, including the potential stifling of creativity by prohibiting the building on the work of others, and the extent to which a commercial purpose and character of a prior work and secondary work may be determinative of copyright infringement.

This Webinar will cover the impact of this decision on licensing. The panel will also discuss best practices in light of this case combined with the other leading fair use decisions: Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music Inc. and Google LLC v Oracle America Inc.


  1. Best practices in licensing copyrighted works
  2. Summary of fair use principles to determine whether royalties to original author are recommended
  3. Characteristics of transformative works


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We hope that you will join us for this exciting and informative program.

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If you have any questions, please contact Professional Development Manager Jennifer Aron.
10/16/2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

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